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Monday, April 8, 2013
NY Gun Confiscation Underway – Citizens Told to Turn in Pistol Owner ID & Firearms
Gun Confiscation
AmmoLand Gun News
That it was strictly in the realm of paranoid conspiracy theorists and the “it cant happen here crowd”?
Those were and remain some of the standard replies to anyone who even thought about the possibility, let alone gave voice to it, despite the fact that Gov Cuomo and numerous other officials made public comments about such a plan, as I discussed in my article “Feinstein & Cuomo Admit Planning Australian Style Government Gun Buy Back” .
Elected Officials, the media, various Gun Control Groups and their zealous forced disarmament supporters, even some firearms owners themselves all insisted it was to crazy to even consider.There’s just one huge problem it is happening now in New York State!
It seems those that tried desperately to warn of such an insidious plot had hit the bullseye with their warnings after all. News came from multiple NY State based firearms enthusiast websites late Friday that confiscations of Pistol Owner ID Cards, as well as firearms and accessories has commenced in NY under the provisions of the horribly flawed, draconian and blatantly unconstitutional NY SAFE Act.
Those folks having their weapons and FID cards confiscated have been discovered to have been prescribed multiple different types of psychotropic drugs, such as those for Depression or Anxiety. These are known as SSRI ( Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) class drugs and have the potential to cause serious and adverse side effects, something I wrote about extensively last week in an article that went viral in days and caused multiple Anti Gun and Progressive News Groups to initiate a concentrated denial of service hacker attack against Ammoland Shooting Sports News (see Daily KOS ” Keeping Track Of The RKBA Crowd”, in an effort to keep the information from the public.
From NY
“John Doe, an upstanding professional with no outstanding criminal convictions and no history of violent action received a letter from the Pistol Permit Department informing him that his license was immediately revoked upon information that he was seeing a therapist for anxiety and had been prescribed an anxiety drug. He was never suicidal, never violent, and has no criminal history. The New York State Department of Health is apparently conducting a search of medical records to determine who is being treated for anxiety drugs and using this as a basis for handgun license revocation.Those are the facts. Nothing more, nothing less.”
Now, before anyone trots out the old saw about how this is nothing more then a paranoid, unsubstantiated rumor on a “gun nuts” internet forum. I spoke to the Attorney of Record in this matter on the phone this morning and he confirmed that the above snippet is accurate and these cases are happening!
James Tresmond Esq confirmed in our conversation that the above mentioned case is occurring in Erie County NY, it is his client that has been effected, and as yet unknown sources have seen fit to take it upon themselves to share confidential medical records with NY State Officials without authorization, a massive HIPPA violation.
It seems these supposedly confidential records are then compared against a list of known NY pistol license holders and letters are sent out demanding their Pistol Owner ID Cards be surrendered, as well as any firearms and accessories.This is an unprecedented violation of a Citizens 2nd, 4th, and 5th Amendment RIGHTS, brought to fruition by power and control hungry tyrants holding elected office who swore an Oath to uphold and defend the very rights they are now actively stripping from their constituents.
Moreover, the confiscation efforts underway in NY State have had another, albeit unintended effect. By undertaking this course of action, those in power have inadvertently pulled back the curtain on something they have suppressed from the Citizens for far to long, leaving them with precious little wiggle room to explain away their actions.
- Either they are acknowledging that there is in fact some sort of little reported link between the prescribing of psychotropic drugs and violent behavior, thus they are somehow, at least in their own minds “justified” in their actions to preempt someone from violence.
- Or, this is nothing more then a backdoor confiscation effort and massive abuse of governmental power unleashed on innocent Citizens.
If anyone still feels some level of doubt regarding the veracity of this story, Attorney Tresmond welcomes anyone to visit his website, Facebook page ( ), or send an email to
Mr Tresmond asks that those making inquiries be mindful and respectful of the fact that they have been deluged with inquiries in recent days and therefore a personal reply may be delayed or impossible due to the volume.About Dan Roberts:
Dan Roberts is a grassroots supporter of gun rights that has chosen AmmoLand Shooting Sports News as the perfect outlet for his frank, ‘Jersey Attitude’ filled articles on Guns and Gun Owner Rights.As a resident of the oppressive state of New Jersey he is well placed to be able to discuss the abuses of government against our inalienable rights to keep and bear arms as he writes from deep behind NJ’s Anti-Gun iron curtain. Read more from Dan Roberts or email him at You can also find him on Facebook:
Stay informed about U. S. Changing Gun Laws:
Friday, April 5, 2013
Monday, April 1, 2013
My Story So Far...
It started on January 24th, 2013...
Released 35 days later...
What I learned while on the inside...
The call to arms that alerted everyone to the reason for my disappearance...
How you can help to fight back...
My appearance on TheBlaze(37:00 in the recording) Special Thank You:
My Press Release:
HUDSON COUNTY, NEW JERSEY — At approximately 10pm on Thursday night, January 24, 2013, 33-year-old Keith Pantaleon of Jersey City, New Jersey, was in the bedroom of his apartment watching television after a full day’s work – when he heard thumping noises coming from his living room.
Believing that his residence may be being broken into, he grabbed his soft-bound Day Planner case (which also held a lawfully purchased handgun), and cracked open his bedroom door to investigate.
In the center of his living room, he saw a man dressed entirely in dark clothing who had his back towards him. He cracked open his door slightly further and saw near the entrance to his apartment a police officer, his landlord, and an EMT worker.
When the man dressed in dark clothing in the middle of his living room turned around, he saw it was another police officer.
One of the officers immediately ordered Pantaleon to come out of his bedroom.
Pantaleon tossed his unopened Day Planner case onto his bed. As he went to close his bedroom door behind him, one of the officers pushed him into his living room. The officer then ordered Pantaleon to face a corner of his living room and handcuffed him.
One of the officers allegedly threatened Pantaleon that if he had pulled out a firearm, he would have shot him. Officers asked if Pantaleon owned any firearms. To which, he did not reply.
As one of the officers watched Pantaleon (who remained in custody in Pantaleon’s living room), the other officer warrantlessly searched Pantaleon’s bedroom – which including opening cabinets and his Day Planner case – then demanded that Pantaleon provide the PIN# combination to his safe, which the officer proceeded to open and search.
After finding the handgun in Pantaleon’s Day Planner, the officer asked him if he possessed any more firearms. To which, Pantaleon indicated that he had a rifle on a top shelf in a box.
Officers claim that they announced their presence, yet at no time did Pantaleon hear officers announce their presence in his home. At no time during the home invasion was Pantaleon read his Miranda rights. At no time did Pantaleon grant permission for anyone to enter his apartment without his permission, no less police officers without a warrant.
On the night in question, Pantaleon’s upstairs neighbor allegedly complained to police about the landlord providing insufficient heat. The boiler for the apartment building is adjacent to the kitchen area of Pantaleon’s residence. Police apparently insisted that the landlord open Pantaleon’s residence on their behalf despite the extremely late hour and lack of consent by Pantaleon.
Believing that his residence may be being broken into, he grabbed his soft-bound Day Planner case (which also held a lawfully purchased handgun), and cracked open his bedroom door to investigate.
In the center of his living room, he saw a man dressed entirely in dark clothing who had his back towards him. He cracked open his door slightly further and saw near the entrance to his apartment a police officer, his landlord, and an EMT worker.
When the man dressed in dark clothing in the middle of his living room turned around, he saw it was another police officer.
One of the officers immediately ordered Pantaleon to come out of his bedroom.
Pantaleon tossed his unopened Day Planner case onto his bed. As he went to close his bedroom door behind him, one of the officers pushed him into his living room. The officer then ordered Pantaleon to face a corner of his living room and handcuffed him.
One of the officers allegedly threatened Pantaleon that if he had pulled out a firearm, he would have shot him. Officers asked if Pantaleon owned any firearms. To which, he did not reply.
As one of the officers watched Pantaleon (who remained in custody in Pantaleon’s living room), the other officer warrantlessly searched Pantaleon’s bedroom – which including opening cabinets and his Day Planner case – then demanded that Pantaleon provide the PIN# combination to his safe, which the officer proceeded to open and search.
After finding the handgun in Pantaleon’s Day Planner, the officer asked him if he possessed any more firearms. To which, Pantaleon indicated that he had a rifle on a top shelf in a box.
Officers claim that they announced their presence, yet at no time did Pantaleon hear officers announce their presence in his home. At no time during the home invasion was Pantaleon read his Miranda rights. At no time did Pantaleon grant permission for anyone to enter his apartment without his permission, no less police officers without a warrant.
On the night in question, Pantaleon’s upstairs neighbor allegedly complained to police about the landlord providing insufficient heat. The boiler for the apartment building is adjacent to the kitchen area of Pantaleon’s residence. Police apparently insisted that the landlord open Pantaleon’s residence on their behalf despite the extremely late hour and lack of consent by Pantaleon.
Officers then took Pantaleon to police headquarters, where, after further questioning, he was charged with unlawful possession of: two handguns, a rifle, an “assault rifle,” a large capacity magazine, and certain ammunition.
In New Jersey, permits to purchase firearms are not required for possession of firearms within one’s home. Possession of firearms within one’s residence is exempted under N.J.S. 2C:39-6e, as well as protected under the U.S. Supreme Court’s rulings on the Second Amendment in D.C. v. Heller and Chicago v. McDonald, and the ruling in the recently decided New Jersey Appellate Division matter, IMO of the Application for a New Jersey Permit to Carry a Handgun by Richard Pantano, A-1682-11T1 (February 22, 2013).
Pursuant to statute at issue, the ammunition in question is legal to possess since New Jersey’s ammunition prohibition only applies to handgun ammunition and the ammunition at issue is specifically designed for use in a rifle. The rifle at issue was allegedly an AR-15, one of the most commonly possessed type of rifle in America.
Pantaleon lawfully purchased his firearms as a prior resident of Pennsylvania.
He also possesses permits to carry firearms from Nevada and Florida. Pantaleon has no prior criminal convictions and no mental health history. He is not accused of misusing or threatening to use any firearms. No unlawful purpose for said possessions has been alleged.
Despite the above, his bail was set at $75,000.00 cash or bond, which the 33-year- old did not have. A friend of Pantaleon’s, however, brought awareness of his matter on the Internet, which raised funds to hire the law firm of Evan F. Nappen, Attorney at Law PC to represent.
Louis P. Nappen, Esq. of the Nappen Law Firm immediately filed a Motion for Bail Reduction, which, after a hearing on February 27, resulted in Pantaleon being released on his own recognizance. Pantaleon had been incarcerated for over one month, since night of January 24. Louis Nappen stated, “It is apparent that police violated Mr. Pantaleon’s rights protecting possession of firearms within one’s home, his 5th and 6th Amendment rights to remain silent and to be provided with an attorney before questioning and, most egregiously, his 4th Amendment rights against unreasonable searches and seizures.” Jersey City Police publicly smeared Pantaleon’s reputation with comparisons to Adam Lanza and by publication of a warning letter to local schools. See . Pantaleon was an IT Specialist for a highly respectable bank, a position he proudly garnered last year, and was recently noted for promotion. He presently requires funding to proceed with his defense. If you would like to contribute to Pantaleon’s cause, please contact
In New Jersey, permits to purchase firearms are not required for possession of firearms within one’s home. Possession of firearms within one’s residence is exempted under N.J.S. 2C:39-6e, as well as protected under the U.S. Supreme Court’s rulings on the Second Amendment in D.C. v. Heller and Chicago v. McDonald, and the ruling in the recently decided New Jersey Appellate Division matter, IMO of the Application for a New Jersey Permit to Carry a Handgun by Richard Pantano, A-1682-11T1 (February 22, 2013).
Pursuant to statute at issue, the ammunition in question is legal to possess since New Jersey’s ammunition prohibition only applies to handgun ammunition and the ammunition at issue is specifically designed for use in a rifle. The rifle at issue was allegedly an AR-15, one of the most commonly possessed type of rifle in America.
Pantaleon lawfully purchased his firearms as a prior resident of Pennsylvania.
He also possesses permits to carry firearms from Nevada and Florida. Pantaleon has no prior criminal convictions and no mental health history. He is not accused of misusing or threatening to use any firearms. No unlawful purpose for said possessions has been alleged.
Despite the above, his bail was set at $75,000.00 cash or bond, which the 33-year- old did not have. A friend of Pantaleon’s, however, brought awareness of his matter on the Internet, which raised funds to hire the law firm of Evan F. Nappen, Attorney at Law PC to represent.
Louis P. Nappen, Esq. of the Nappen Law Firm immediately filed a Motion for Bail Reduction, which, after a hearing on February 27, resulted in Pantaleon being released on his own recognizance. Pantaleon had been incarcerated for over one month, since night of January 24. Louis Nappen stated, “It is apparent that police violated Mr. Pantaleon’s rights protecting possession of firearms within one’s home, his 5th and 6th Amendment rights to remain silent and to be provided with an attorney before questioning and, most egregiously, his 4th Amendment rights against unreasonable searches and seizures.” Jersey City Police publicly smeared Pantaleon’s reputation with comparisons to Adam Lanza and by publication of a warning letter to local schools. See . Pantaleon was an IT Specialist for a highly respectable bank, a position he proudly garnered last year, and was recently noted for promotion. He presently requires funding to proceed with his defense. If you would like to contribute to Pantaleon’s cause, please contact
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