Friday, May 2, 2008

Equipping for the New World Order Part 2

Liberty Tree Radio
P.O. Box 194
Dexter, Michigan 48130
phone/fax 734-424-9335

"Please make checks or money orders out to Nancy Koernke"

an>Listed below are the Thank You gifts for donation

Intelligence Report with Mark Koernke program tapes (please include date) $10.00
Intelligence Report with Mark Koernke program CD (please include date) $15.00
Intelligence Report with Mark Koernke program one month MP3 CD (please include the month) $15.00 (Paypal donations will get the last month)

The Citizens Rule Book $1.00
Second Amendment and The National Right of self defense by Daniel D Danz $20.00

America in Peril series
America in Peril 1(Mark Koernke) $15.00
America in Peril 2 (Mark Koernke) $15.00
America in Peril 3(Mark Koernke) $15.00
(set of 3/$30)

Equipping for the New World Order 1(Mark Koernke) .$15.00
Equipping for the New World Order 2(Mark Koernke) $15.00
(set of 2/$20)
Coming Soon
"Equipping for the New World Order 3"

First Colonial Marines Conference(Mark Koernke) $20.00
Bakersfield Report (three tapes) $35.00

Visitor From The Past CD $10.00

Visitor from the Past audio cassette $10.00

Visitor from the Past framed print $18.00
Visitor from the past framed print and cassette $25.00

Music Offers:
Waking up in Bondage by Randy Craig (music cassette) $12.00
Waking up in Bondage by Randy Craig CD $15.00

Robert Lloyd: American Freedom CD $15.00

Robert Lloyd: An American Without A Country CD $15.00
Robert Lloyd: "An Enemy of the State" $15.00



Keith Pantaleon's Facebook profile